How to Manage Multiple SSH Keys for Multiple GitHub Accounts on One Computer
Learn how to set up and manage multiple SSH keys on a single computer to seamlessly work with multiple GitHub accounts. Step-by-step guide for developers.
I'm a web developer based in the London, UK. I'm currently working at Kandji. I'm passionate about building accessible, performant and inclusive websites and applications. I'm also a big fan of JAMstack, Eleventy, HubSpot, and WordPress. When I'm not coding, I'm usually traveling, playing video games, watching films or listening to music. Feel free to get in touch.
Learn how to set up and manage multiple SSH keys on a single computer to seamlessly work with multiple GitHub accounts. Step-by-step guide for developers.
A web archiving tool that allows you to capture and explore snapshots of webpages over time—like the Wayback Machine, but as your own personal Time Machine.
I took some time this week to upgrade my site to the newest version of Eleventy. Here's what I learned.
Adding custom avatar functionality to your WordPress site. Simple and quick solutions to make your website even more attractive to users!
How to use Structured Data, also referred to as Schema Markup, inside of HubSpot that is populated using HubL variables for use to improve SEO.
Find high-quality, visually appealing images for articles or blog posts with free image placeholders like, Lorem Picsum, Unsplash, and Pixabay Fillers. Customize size, background, text, and more. Streamline your content creation workflow and engage your audience.
A web archiving tool that allows you to capture and explore snapshots of webpages over time—like the Wayback Machine, but as your own personal Time Machine.
Discover CSS hacks and shortcuts, including using box-sizing, selection pseudo-class, caret color for input elements, displaying links when an element has no text value, fitting images to content, detecting dark system mode, hiding images on mobile, using CSS vendor prefixes for different browsers, and utilizing Autoprefixer. Learn these tips and improve your CSS coding skills.